Important Reminders about Legally Permissible Uses from the FLCCE Golf Course Committee
Just a reminder: As we have previously shared with you, our Covenant documents permanently protect the golf course, around which our community is centered.
Under these documents, there are two legally permissible uses:
Golf course
Conservation Open Space
Pursuant to these Covenants, any alternative uses would require approval by 75% of our residents.
Exploring the two legally permissible uses:
Golf Course Use
-can persist under the current owner (who have indicated they wish to leave the business)
-can persist under a new owner, either
1) Purchase by golf course owner/operator, or
2) Purchase by the FLCCE HOA via the community-initiated process of creating a Recreational District (RD) to become a taxing authority
Conservation Uses
-for conservation/preservation of natural resources or passive recreation
-could be implemented by a new owner
-could be private, or a private/public partnership
-have potential to maintain resident open space views while preserving natural resources
-could complement golf course use with the creation of a Recreational District
For more detailed/comprehensive information on each topic, please go to flcce.com or paste this link in your browser: https://www.flcce.com/golf-course-committee-updates
As noted previously, we will continue to keep you informed. Regularly check the flcce.com website for updates.
Email questions to golfcoursecommittee@flccehoa.com