Neighborhood Ambassadors-The Lifeblood of FLCCE​
If you or your neighbor received a welcome packet when relocating to our beautiful area—it was delivered by your Neighborhood Ambassador.
If you’ve benefited from a door hanger, which kept you in the loop about area happenings—it was delivered by your Neighborhood Ambassador.
These great men and women have graciously donated their time and energy to make certain that when there are notices, or events happening in FLCCE, their neighbors are informed.
Encompassing an area of 400+ homes, divided by Beneva Road and a golf course, keeping everyone in the loop can be a daunting task. So, it is critical that we have a network of FLCCE Ambassadors to watch out for each unit within our community.
Take a look at the listing of their names here on the website and make sure you thank yours for their service.
And, if you haven’t had the opportunity to meet some of your new neighbors, and/or would like to join—we would love to have you. There is always room for more!
And as always,
We’re glad you’re here!
Homes by Blocks
1790 - 2234 Beneva Rd.
1802 - 1967 Brookhaven Dr. (N)
2060 - 2267 Brookhaven Dr. (S)
3409 - 3552 Brookline/Fairview
2421 - 2479 Espanola Ave.
3106 - 3399 Espanola Dr.
3215 - 3299 Glenna Ln.
1801 - 1896 Mid Ocean Cr. (N)
1904 - 1995 Mid Ocean Cr. (S)
3204 - 3259 Pine Valley Dr. (W)
3260 - 3546 Pine Valley Dr. (E)
Pine Valley La
1708 - 1892 Riviera Cr.
1910 - 2356 Riviera Dr.
3321 - 3561 Sea View St.
2000 - 2320 Tanglewood Dr.
3617 - 3646 White Sulphur Pl.
Village Green Section #12
Village Green Section #14
Connie Neeley
Jessica Fairweather
Joann George
Elaine Adair
Elizabeth Braithwaite
Marcy Nuncio
Nancy Bailey
Christina Moritz-Slowik
Carol Miller
Jody & John Maxwell
Nessa St. James
Nessa St. James
Joanne Hammen
Roxi McCarthy
Barb & Rick Elbrecht
Mary Allen
Debi Rowland
Pat Howe
Neighborhood Ambassadors
Want to Contact Us?
Please send all inquiries to with the name of the HOA Committee, and or Board member, on the e-mail subject line of your request. Your request will be sent directly to the person to whom you are requesting feedback.
Thanks for checking your website!