Grab a basket and join us for a Neighborhood Egg Hunt - click here to RSVP for this free, fun family-centered event!
We are requesting that each family who wants to participate donate at least a dozen plastic eggs and one bag of Easter candy/treats. We will be hiding empty eggs and the children will be able to "redeem" their eggs for prizes and candy at the end of the hunt at our Egg Redemption Station.
***All donations must be dropped off to 3260 Pine Valley by Friday, April 8th. They can be left in the collection boxes on the front porch***
Collection of Eggs: Please have each child bring their own basket or bag for the hunt.
Ages: We we divide the hunt into two age groups: Ages 5 and under and ages 5-10
Food and Drinks: We will provide coffee, juice and water and ask all families to bring a breakfast treat like muffins, fruit, donuts, etc to share pot luck style with the neighborhood.
Parking: Don't drive as parking is limited but Golf Carts are welcome!
Looking forward to seeing everyone!